Project Building

Project Building
300 North LaSalle, Chicago, IL

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rendering Time

Over the past two weeks, my goal was to complete my floor plan and select all of my FFE so that I could begin the rendering process. My computer was not to keen on this plan and decided to crash a few times, but I am now in complete rendering mode and working like a crazy person trying to complete my renderings early so that I have time to test print. As of now, I have two renderings complete, two that are almost complete with a few minor adjustments that need to be fixed in Photoshop, one that is about 85% rendered in Revit and will hopefully be finished this evening, and 4-5 more renderings to go in Revit. I know that this sounds like a lot of images, but my philosophy for projects is that it is better to have to many images than not enough in case something happens. Below are my completed renderings so far. I will be posting them as I finish editing them in Photoshop, but for now....Enjoy!

Break Area

Library/Collaboration Area

Reception Desk (I am trying to figure out how to remove the flying saucer-like shadows from my ceiling. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!)

VP Office Area

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